When you’re looking for a restaurant or service in your local area, is it not that the first place you usually turn to is the Internet? The same principle applies to those looking for legal services, among others. The Internet isn’t called the information superhighway for no reason. It’s that one place where many individuals run to for whatever information they’re looking for.
So, if you’re a lawyer with your own firm, one of the assets you need to have in today’s age is a website. If you don’t have one, you’re missing out on potential clients. Then, delving even deeper, the stringent competition necessitates the need not just for any other ordinary website. Your site has to be well-made, professional, and the best.

Below are some of the best tips you can use to build a law firm website that converts:
Add Links To Your Social Media Accounts
Social proof matters, nowadays. For many individuals, a professional with good social proof is a real individual. They’re not just going through a fake or scam website. The site they’re looking at is indeed that of a legitimate law firm, with a real lawyer behind it.
So, it pays to add links to your social media accounts. Think of the top three: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. You can have LinkedIn too, if such is popular where you’re from.
Keep those links simple and accessible, so you can encourage more website visitors to actually click those links and visit your pages.
Be Different
A law firm website that converts is also one that stands out. If you have the usual, cliché graphics that are all-too-common for law firms, there’s no way for potential clients to remember your firm and set it apart from the rest.
Being different can be as simple as choosing different graphics and images. Post real photos of your firm, staff, and of yourself, if you can. Stay away from the usual stock photos of handshakes, briefcases, and the scales of justice.
Need an example of a reputable firm’s website? Go to this website to see one.
Use White Space And Avoid Clutter
If you’ve been designing websites for so long now, the phrase ‘white space’ isn’t foreign to you. But have you applied it to your site as well? Note that white space here doesn’t necessarily mean white. It can be any color, like your website’s background. The point of having white space is to have blank areas in your site—no graphics, text, or content. This gives the website visitor a place to rest their eyes after going through lots of media and text.
Alongside using white space, declutter your law firm’s site. Search engine users today expect to be able to immediately find what they’re looking for on a page. If there are too many things going on your website, you’re driving potential clients away.
Keep it as minimal as possible without looking dry or boring. For as long as your law firm website has the essentials it needs to have, you can forego all the elements that serve no purpose. Use and design only the graphics you need.
Consider Hiring A Law Firm Website Designer
If you have an in-house team who are experts with law firm designs, then you’re fine to do it all on your own. If this isn’t available, however, hiring a law firm website designer will be to your advantage. Yes, you’ll have to pay for their services. But the returns are even greater when you finally have a website that converts.
The best way to ensure you have the best law firm website designer is to shop around. Compare the price points offered with the services they can provide for you. Some questions you may also want to ask include:
- When can you start working on the website?
- How long will the project take?
- Can you ensure the site will also be mobile-friendly?
- Will you offer training to the legal team who’ll run and manage the site?
- Will you be able to offer support in the future?
Add Reviews
Does your law firm website have reviews and feedback section? If you don’t have one, then make sure to incorporate this, too. Have the reviews section as a feature on your home page. That way, whenever an Internet user opens your page, they can instantly read and go through it.
Consider the reviews section as an advantage for your website to have. It’s a marketing strategy to help convince would-be clients that your law firm is indeed a good and reputable one. The reviews coming from happy clients speak for themselves.
The comprehensive guide above gives you a good starting point through all the key points that have to be considered when building a law firm website. The tips above apply whether you’re still building a website from scratch, or if you simply want to optimize what you already have and make it better. Consider the insights above as your fundamentals. Then, check your stats and analytics, and you may find that your website has just made it through higher conversion rates.