The concept of designing websites and creating content for mobile-first may sound like an obvious idea, but in reality, many companies are still focusing on desktop screens when designing their websites. And while this may make sense from one perspective, it can actually be a huge mistake from another. That’s because you will likely lose out on valuable opportunities to reach new customers if you ignore mobile-first responsive web design practices.

Here are some reasons why mobile-first responsive web design matters, and how it can benefit your brand.
Most People Use Mobile Devices Today
The number of people using mobile phones to access the internet is staggering. Up to 90% of the global internet population now use a mobile device to go online, and that percentage will just keep growing as more people upgrade their phones or buy smartphones. The bottom line here is that if you aren’t designing for mobile platforms today, then your competition probably already is.
The rise of mobile devices has brought about the need for better interactive design across all devices. Back in the days when everyone used desktops, you could get away with designing a website that wasn’t very easy to navigate on small screens – a user would simply put up with it. Nowadays, however, designers need to focus on creating a mobile-first responsive landing page design or website design that will work across all devices, from smartphones and tablets to desktops.
Offers an Edge in User-Friendly Design
Mobile-first design also gives brands an edge when it comes to user-friendly design. Not only is the text bigger and easier to read on a mobile device, but brands are able to optimize their website for SEO by writing content that appeals to an audience who may have never heard of them before. This approach leads users directly toward your brand’s goal with no obstacles or distractions.
Use-friendly website design is one of the core components of any mobile-first strategy. However, your website shouldn’t stop there. It should be optimized for both the user and search engines to encourage conversions at every step along the way. With a universal mobile-friendly design, your business is able to reach an audience that may not know about you yet with an approachable brand voice.
Solves Content Priority During Design
The mobile-first approach allows designers to think about the essential content and features of a site. They can then design around that, which will ensure no components are hidden or removed during the process. This means that elements are just as important on mobile devices as they are desktops. Determining content priority for websites across various devices was previously a challenge, but with a mobile-first approach, it’s much simpler.
Designers can easily predict what content will be visible or hidden after a page is loaded on a mobile device. They can then design the site accordingly to ensure that important elements are not cut off at smaller screen sizes. Mobile-first also helps with scalability and performance — both key factors in building great responsive experiences today. In fact, Google has been advocating mobile-first for a few years now.
Great for Satisfying User Search Intent
When you’re thinking about your website and how it should be created, one of the first questions to ask is: what does my user expect? More often than not, they will take a few seconds – or even less – looking for what they want before making their decision. If you can meet that criteria faster than our competitors by using mobile-first responsive web design, then that’s where you need to start.

Understanding user intent is even more important when it comes to mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. We know the percentage of users browsing on their devices has increased over time. However, some sites are still not optimized for these new experiences. And with Google now using your mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal, it’s time to take more action on these small screens.
Enjoy a Wide Variety of Other Benefits
Mobile-first responsive website design offers many benefits for your business: higher conversion rates, better ranking on Google and other search engines, and an easier time finding your content when looking for it. Another benefit is the opportunity to reduce bounce rates and improve overall website time-on-page. With mobile devices, users can easily navigate and find the information they need quickly.