Menus are very important for a website no matter what platform you are using. It is important when looking for WordPress menu plugins, to ensure they rely on the build in WordPress menu system. It doesn’t take a lot to get a WordPress menu plugin onto your website. Indeed, it merely requires that you download the plugin, install the plugin onto your website, and then begin using it.
Find a best free WordPress menus plugins for your WordPress website, to create horizontal and vertical dropdown menus in an easy way. When you are choosing a WordPress menu plugin, it is very important to ensure that plugin is build according to the WordPress menu system. This post is continuously updated with more interesting Menu Plugins for WordPress and all links are checked!
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1. WordPress Access Control
WordPress Access Control is a plugin designed to integrate into membership sites where certain pages, posts and custom post types should only be available to members of the site.

2. OpenMenu
This plugin allows you to easily create posts that are based on your OpenMenu and thus embedding restaurant menus in any WordPress website.

3. WP Symposium Toolbar
This plugin is targetted for WP Symposium sites. However, if you’re not running a Social Network site but you’re willing to customize the Toolbar.

4. Advanced Sidebar Menu
Creates a widget for both page and categories that will display the current page/category and an child pages or categories. Keeps the menu clean and usable.

5. Enhanced Admin Bar with Codex Search
This simple plugin enhances the default WordPress admin bar by adding a new menus that includes search fields for searching the Codex.

6. Font Awesome Menus
Before using this plugin, check out our new Font Awesome 4 Menus for WordPress!

7. Easy Restaurant Menu Manager
Easy Restaurant Menu Manager makes it simple to add and update all your dishes in a way that’s easy for your site’s visitors to read and easy for you to maintain.

8. Menus
Enable or disable WP3 Multisite Backend Menus. Adds options to toggle administration menus at Network Admin->Settings page under “Menu Settings”.

Extremely quickly to use, add the url of videos and that’s it all. Thumbnails are created automatically. You can add multiple galleries in the same wp. Support for mobile devices.

10. Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu
The lazy and the productive will love it : all admin links available in a neat horizontal CSS driven drop down menu. No need to click on “Manage” then “Pages” to edit pages. And plenty more space on your screen.

11. Sinking Dropdowns WordPress
Create a WordPress menu (up to three levels) with the WP appearances built-in menu builder and convert it to a nice responsive dropdown using template tags.

12. Simple Retail Menus
Simple Retail Menus lets you create and manage menu-type lists for display in a post or page. This is a free, full-featured plugin.

13. SanookSookjai Menu Icon
This is a small plugin to customize your icon menus. You can change menu icon very easy just click, choose and set to icon.

14. Admin Menus Fixed
Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu + WordPress Toolbar + Standard Admin Menu Fixed to the Top of the Admin Screens.

15. Posts in Category Menu
Add sub menu items for all posts in a category menu item. For example if you have a category item in a menu this plugin will create child menu items for all posts in that category beneath that item.