WordPress is very powerful and easy to use. We have been searching for some of the best free WordPress plugins and widgets available on the web. Sidebar plays a vital rule in the management of a website and also helps in information architecture. A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content.
For example, a short list of recent articles, recent comments, a list of pages, or popular articles on a website can easily be displayed across the entire site. Though, it can quickly look the same than in many other blogs. I’ve compiled 15 excellent resources to help you buid a better sidebar for your WordPress blog.
With this following widgets you can manage, control, design the sidebar of your WordPress website. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well: Best WordPress Pricing Table Plugins, Elegant Premium WordPress Themes, Free Statistics WordPress Widgets and Free Classified Themes for WordPress.
1. Widget Customizer
Edit widgets and preview changes in Theme Customizer, with a control for each widget form in sections added for each sidebar rendered in the preview.

2. Responsive Column Widgets
If you are a developer and looking for an easy way to render some outputs in responsive columns, this plugin will be handy. Pass your arrays to the plugin filter. Then the plugin will take care of it for you.

3. Stag Custom Sidebars
This plugin adds a button to widgets area to create a new sidebar area which you can later use just about anywhere.

4. Theme Blvd Widget Areas
When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin will allow to create custom widget areas for any of your theme’s specific widget area locations.

5. My Content Management
My Content Management creates a suite of custom post types, each with a custom taxonomy and a set of commonly needed custom fields. A single common interface to create popularly desired content tools.

6. WooSidebars Sidebar Manager Converter
Use the WooSidebars Sidebar Manager Converter to convert your sidebars from the WooFramework’s old Sidebar Manager to the new WooSidebars plugin.

7. Multiple Sidebars
A wonderful plugin to easily create many custom sidebars. These sidebars can then select in the creation of a post / page / custom post type / category / taxonomy. We give an order, and select several at once.

8. Unique Page Sidebars
This plugin allows for the creation and management of widget sidebars on a per-page basis from a single dynamic_sidebar() call in your theme sidebar.

9. Simple Page Sidebars
Designed for simplicity and flexibility, Simple Page Sidebars gives WordPress users, designers, and developers the ability to assign custom sidebars to individual pages without making any template changes.

10. WooSidebars
With WooSidebars, it’s possible to change the widgets that display in a sidebar (widgetized area) according to a context (for example, a specific page, a specific blog post, certain categories or the search results screen).

11. Widget Manager Light
Every widget can now be displayed on or hidden from one or few pages. Display relevent content on your pages, posts, categories, tags, archives, custom post types, custom taxonomies, page templates, WordPress service pages, etc..

12. Per Page Widgets
Control widget areas on a per-page / per-post basis. Gives you the ability to show or hide individual widget areas on each page / post as well as completely substituting the widgets shown in a specific widget area on a specific page or post.

13. Per Page Sidebars
This plugin allows the creation and display of custom sidebars for any page (or post) on your site. On each page, you can choose which of your current theme’s sidebars will be replaced.

14. Responsive Video
Fully responsive so will fill the width of the containing area and scale depending on screen size. No need to set a width and height, just set the width of the div your content sits in.

15. Custom Sidebars
Sometimes it is necessary to show different elements on the sidebars for some posts or pages. The themes nowadays give you some areas to put the widgets, but those areas are common for all the posts that are using the same template.