A good search engine ranking will generates more organic traffic to your site. If you are using WordPress, don’t worry. WordPress already did the hard part for you. While blogs are a great source of consumer information, producing great content is just the first step in boosting awareness and ultimately sales for your product or service.
Of course, with additional plugins, you are able to boost your rankings online even further. So, in this article, I’ll be doing just that, and introducing you to 10 of the best free page-rank wordpress plugins to get your site ranking higher. You may be interested in the following posts: Premium Arabic WordPress Themes, Free WordPress Category Widgets and Survey Form Plugins for WordPress.
1. WP Statistics
A perfect plugin for your WordPress visitor statistics. Track Visitor and visit statistics to your blog for today and keep up to a year of history! User Online, see how many people are currently viewing your site.

2. Nofollow Internal Links
Nofollow internal links: Read More Link, Tag Cloud, Post Tags, Archive Links, Category List, Post Category, Post Author, Comments Popup Link.

3. Webcycle Linkbuilding
Webcycle Linkbuilding helpt met het verbeteren van de vindbaarheid van uw WordPress blog of website met natuurlijke en gerelateerde backlinks. Onze tool brengt website-eigenaren samen om het gemakkelijk plaatsen van links te faciliteren.

4. PageRank Button
PageRank is one of the methods Google uses to determine a page’s relevance or importance. Shows your site pagerank instantly in the widget area without editing code.

5. NoFollowr
NoFollowr allows an administrator to easily see which external links are granting search-engine benefits upon another site. The administrator can toggle between allowing and disallowing this benefit with a single click.

6. Permalink Finder Plugin
The Permalink Finder Plugin detects when WordPress cannot find a permalink. Before it generates the 404 error the plugin tries to locate any posts with similar words. It does this by searching through the database trying to find any of the word values from the bad link.

7. Popularity Stats
The Popularity Stats plugin is a handy plugin for WordPress which quickly reports the popularity of a website by checking with a number of website sources.

8. PageRank Checker
Check pagerank of your blog pages automatically,display your real pagerank with an icon instantly. The pagerank icon is running code from website checker site to generate.

9. Handle External Links
Handle External Links helps you to control when to set rel=”nofollow” on external links in WordPress. You can set nofollow depending on the PageRank, 404 status, whether the URL is blacklisted or not, and many more flexible criterias!

10. Pagerank Tools
This plugin gives you an overview about the pageranks of your whole urls. This is the professional version of the pagerank tools.