WordPress allows you to easily customize your site layout through widgets. There are many WordPress plugins and themes that allow you to add different kind of widgets such as popular posts, calendar, email subscribe, etc. Here, in our today’s post I have compiled a list of some of the useful free thumbnails widgets for wordpress blogs.
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1. Yuzo – Related Post
Displays related post your stories with different features of text and image size. Categories on which related thumbnails will appear. Displays your post visits (visits counter by post). Style: Horizontal & Vertical.

2. Image Gallery
Image Gallery is the best plugin to use if you want to be original with your website. Image Gallery has specially made to allow it’s users create a lot of ways to represent your images, videos and information.

3. Posts Viewed Recently
This plugin contains a responsive widget for showing off posts or pages recently visited by a visitor. This plugin is capable to show custom post types and you can also show this widget on your page/post using shortcode provided in widget options.

4. Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails
The thumbnails will be built from the featured image of a post or of the first image in the post content. If there is neither a featured image nor a content image then you can define a default thumbnail.

5. Creative Image Slider
Creative Image Slider is a jQuery image slider with amazing visual effects. It has integrated Creative Popup wizard, to make the slider more attractive! It is packed with a live-preview wizard to create fantastic sliders in a matter of seconds without coding.

6. MaxGalleria
WordPress users deserve a gallery plugin that doesn’t frustrate them as they use it – they want a gallery plugin that is actually a joy to use. Other gallery plugins claim to be the best simply because they’ve been around the longest and have the most downloads.

7. Portfolio Gallery
Portfolio Gallery is perfect for using for creating various portfolios or gallery within various views. The product allows adding descriptions and titles for each portfolio gallery. It is rather useful whever using with various pages and posts, as well as within custom location.

8. OGraphr for WordPress
This plugin adds several Open Graph meta-tags to the header of your theme. These include meta information such as site name, a description (the excerpt of a post), the permalink, author, categories and images for your post.

9. Shareaholic
Shareaholic is an all-in-one content amplification and monetization platform, that includes related content recommendations, promoted content, social sharing, following, site monetization apps such as affiliate linking, and social analytics.

10. Auto Thumbnails
When you have a new post. you are lazy upload Feature Image. if you download and activate this plugin. you will be happy. Because this plugin will get your image in your post to show your post on your website.